A professional training course in behavioral economics in the field of energy was held in London on May 4-10, 2022. This was an advanced workshop titled “Advanced Training of Trainers on Behavioral Economics for the Energy Sector”.
The course was developed by the University College London’s (UCL) Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources in collaboration with the Executive Coaching and Training Institute (ECTI).
As per the course designer, Dr. Lorenzo Lotti, the main emphasis was put on the issues of economic development, change in the behavior of business entities, and the study of possible risks to the environment in the context of transition from fossil to green sources of energy generation.
Specialists from Armenia’s energy-generating companies, energy sector enterprises and electrical networks took part in the training. They got acquainted with the principles of liberalization of the energy market, decision-making patterns by energy-generating enterprises under free market conditions, the peculiarities of production cycles of alternative energy sources and technical possibilities of green energy accumulation.
Four of the of 12 course participants were awarded scholarships (a total of ten scholarships are awarded annually) introduced by ECTI to commemorate Rima Khachatryan, an educator and Honored pedagogue of Armenia. The main purpose of scholarships is to cultivate young people to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the labor market through self-development.
An ardent advocate of vocational education and life-long learning, Rima Khachatryan introduced a new educational approach – Underperforming Student Success Mode. The innovative methodology aimed at learning outcomes was based on four fundamental values: dignity, truthfulness, fairness, and responsibility and freedom. It caused a wide resonance in Armenian pedagogical community in 1990’s and significantly influenced educational reforms.
Also, owing to her efforts to enhance nurse education, during 1975-2015 a dozen medical colleges were established in rural areas of Armenia as well as two scientifically based nursing schools in Yerevan.
Source: Tert.am
Image: Tert.am